Father Sebastiaan has been active in the Vampire / Vampyre subculture since 1992. He is a Master Fangsmith, published author and Impresario of the Endless Night Vampire Ball. Father has appeared on Travel Channel’s Ghost Adventures, CW, History Channel, Discovery and MTV. His interviews have been in the New York Times, Glamour, Cosmo, Revolver Magazine and many more. He travels between Paris, New York, Florida, New Orleans and LA making fangs and hosting events.
Father Sebastiaan travels the world as the most famous fangsmith under the brand SABRETOOTH custom vampire fangs. He frequents Los Angeles, New York, Paris and Germany on his annual fangsmithing tours.
Father Sebastiaan is the Impresario of the Endless Night Vampire Ball. Described as a “Venetian Masquerade Ball, meets a Vampire Court, with the energy of a rock concert and elegance of a burlesque cabaret.” The main event takes place in New Orleans over Halloween weekend, there are also EN events in Los Angeles on Valentines Day weekend and have taken place in Paris, Amsterdam, Dallas, Tampa and Berlin. Visit EndlessNight.com, @EndlessNightVB on Instagram or the FB calendar of events.