I am proud to announce my new mail order fangsmithing venture SABRETOOTH. I am still doing limited in-person Sabretooth Fangs by Father Sebastiaan hand-crafted fangs on limited basis which can be found at www.fathersebastiaan.com/fangs.

Permanent Fangs by Eternal Fangs

Many people have asked where Dani Divine and Alley Kat got their permanent fangs. The Eternal Fangs are done by a Dr. Hayk and are perm while the Sabretooth SFX caps are done by Father Sebastiaan.

Lavita Dental Spa: Hayk Arakelyan, DDS Dentist in Los Angeles, California (323) 648-0001 ~ Say Father Sebastiaan sent you. $1200 per pair 

Are the fangs actually done by a real dentist?
Yes they are installed by Dr. Hayk Arakelyan, DDS with offices at 6333 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90048.  What is the difference between these fangs and ones made by a fang smith?
Eternal Fangs are caps permanently glued onto your teeth by a licensed dentist.  Fangs usually made by fangsmiths such as Father Sebastiaan are acrylic caps that click on over your teeth.  A fang smith cannot change your mouth structure or do any permanent work as they are not a licensed dentist.
Are these really permanent?
Yes they are absolutely permanent and will last a lifetime guaranteed by our dentist or you get free replacements.
Do I need to go to LA to get my Eternal Fangs?
Yes, our dental office is located in Beverly Hills and requires you to come to LA and have the teeth done in person.
What are the fangs made of?
The caps are zirconia 3D printed caps made in a professional dental laboratory.
How long does it take?
Usually two days.  One Day for prep and the second for installation.
Do you remove my own teeth?
No they are laminants which cover slightly modified teeth in most cases.
How old do I have to be?
You must be at least legal age of majority at 18 years of age.
How much do they cost?
The price for the basic pair of classic Eternal Fangs is $1200.